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Available collections

Landsat Collection 2

The terrabyte curated data catalog offers Landsat Collection 2 Level-2 science products for Landsats 4-9.

Landsat Collection 2, the second major reprocessing effort on the Landsat archive, resulted in several data product improvements that applied advancements in data processing, algorithm development, and data access and distribution capabilities. A primary characteristic of Collection 2 is the substantial improvement in the absolute geolocation accuracy of the global ground reference dataset used in the Landsat Level-1 processing flow. Additionally, Collection 2 includes updated global digital elevation modeling sources, calibration and validation updates, as well as global Level-2 surface reflectance and surface temperature scene-based products from 1982 to present. USGS

ProductTime spanSpecification & Access

Landsat TM Collection 2 Level-2

August 1982 - May 2012


Landsat ETM Collection 2 Level-2

July 1999 - April 2022


Landsat OLI-TIRS Collection 2 Level-2

April 2013 - present