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Apply for a project

How to request a project?

  1. As a first step, we strongly recommend discussing your project idea with the terrabyte representative of your institute, the respective HPC institute point of contact or your contact person at DLR or LRZ, if available.

  2. Go to our service desk website and fill out the form at Request resources/Request resources on terrabyte. This will initiate the application process. In many cases, filling out the application form is the only necessary step.

Approval Process

Each project request will be discussed in the operations meeting between LRZ and the DLR terrabyte team. Requests for further information and project approval will be communicated to the applicant. The entire process should not take longer than 2 weeks.

In case you have been asked by our service desk to fill out an additional LRZ project application form:

  1. Take the application form of step 2 as input to fill out the project application form Antrag auf ein LRZ-Projekt. It's mostly copy & paste. Please consider the following hints on how to properly complete the form.

Please use "terrabyte: " as a prefix for the project description


DLR, name of your institute

Leitung der Einrichtung

Specify name of institute leader

  • DFD: Your terrabyte institute representative.

  • IHR/IMF/IPA/HR: In coordination with the institute leader, appoint an authorized representative for all projects of the respective institute (possibly the institute representative)

  • All other cases: In coordination with the institute leader, appoint an authorized representative for all projects of the respective institute (possibly the HPC institute point of contact)


Select "Nicht steuerbar/steuerbefreit (0% USt)" (Non-taxable/tax-exempt (0% VAT))


Select "Nutzerklasse 5" (Non-governmental science-related institutions that are predominantly supported by public funds institutionally)


The PI (DLR colleagues) of the project


As "Gewünschte LRZ-Serviceklassen" (desired LRZ service classes), select "Andere Dienste" (other services) and specify "HPDA terrabyte" as a description. If you need storage from the terrabyte Data Science Storage (DSS), select the checkbox for "Data Science Storage" in addition.

  1. Save the application form.

  2. You need to have an LRZ account to submit the service request - if you do not have one, please create an account. See Get an account.

  3. Print the application form.

  4. Have the application form stamped and signed by the head of your institution on page 3.

  5. Scan the application

  6. Submit the application as an incident (service request) to the LRZ-Servicedesk:

  • Go to LRZ Servicedesk and login with your terrabyte/LRZ account

  • Select incident type "Unterstützende Dienste" → "Benutzerverwaltung und Authentisierung" (User administration and directory services")

  • In your service request, please specify the data volume you need to reserve on the terrabyte Data Science Storage, if applicable. Please contact your intitue representative first, to cover your storage needs from the Institue Quota if possible. Keep in mind that we share all resources amongst users. Please start with a minimum request of data volume and increase it later when demand arises.

  • Create the incident - the Master user will be contacted once the project request has been accepted at the bi-weekly terrabyte operations meeting.